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Expose your room concept and decoration beyond reality with use of a digital twin.

Easy to Use ...

From desktop or your mobile to Whatsapp ... It is very easy to share and browse without requiring any 3rd party applications or software.

Görsellerdeki tüm detaylar yalın ama etkileyici bir şekilde gerçek renkler ve mekan derinliği ile gösterilmelidir. Misafirlerinize tesisinizin tüm alanlarını en şeffaf şekilde sunun.

Online Reservation
Give your domestic and international guests the opportunity to make a reservation right now for the room they want, experience it by "walking" inside and enjoy the view.


Strong Marketing
Provide agents and sales teams with a very powerful marketing tool that will impress customers. Your promotions will be different and strong.

All the details in the images should be shown in plain but impressive real colors and depth of space. Offer your guests all the areas of your facility in the most transparent way.

Support the features, location, view, room details and facilities of your facility with content, visual, video. Let your 3D virtual tour describe your facility with interactive labels.



Attract Attention
When your guests are in the decision to buy their dream vacation, draw attention and use the advantage of the digital twin, not only with two-dimensional classical photos.


No Hardware and Software Requirements
With the ease of access anytime, anywhere, on any browser and on any device, allow your guests to visit their rooms comfortably.

Ela Quality Resort, which makes the whole resort tourable with a digital twin, uses the power of digital marketing and offers its guests the opportunity to discover all the experiences it promises to keep alive.

Providing accommodation alternatives in a transparent way makes an important contribution to the guests making the right choice and the results that match the expectation.

The website adds a virtual tour link to promotional pages such as social media, allowing its guests to choose the room they want to stay.

It now impresses the reality of information written for promotional purposes. (You can go to the original page by clicking on the image.)


Click to visit all rooms, suites and villas .


Take your special concept and stylish decoration beyond photography to reality.

Entertainment & Activity

Give your guests the opportunity to discover the unique atmosphere of the places where you will have fun activities.


Persuade your guests to go on an adventure for balance of body and soul into your magical spa.

Conference & Meeting

Prove that you are the ideal host for meetings, congresses and organizations .

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